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Encontramos 184 resultados para o termo Brazilian Politics

Find out how illegal miners in the Amazon use Elon Musk's internet to evade surveillance
Últimas Notícias

Find out how illegal miners in the Amazon use Elon Musk's internet to evade surveillance

In a video published on the social media platform TikTok, an illegal mining influencer shows off a vital working tool: a satellite internet antenna.

  • 15/05/2024
  • 19:08:35
  • Geral
A manifesto for freedom: Madonna plays her biggest ever gig to 1.6 million people in Rio
Últimas Notícias

A manifesto for freedom: Madonna plays her biggest ever gig to 1.6 million people in Rio

From Paulo Freire to Zumbi dos Palmares, the long-awaited and historic concert by US singer Madonna on Copacabana beach, on Saturday (4), celebrated...

  • 06/05/2024
  • 14:56:34
  • Geral
On Workers' Day, Lula signs decree on new income tax table and recalls government achievements
Últimas Notícias

On Workers' Day, Lula signs decree on new income tax table and recalls government achievements

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) attended an event on Wednesday afternoon (1) organized by Brazil's Central Workers' Union

  • 02/05/2024
  • 16:20:30
  • Geral
In São Paulo, Israel promotes tourism in Palestine while hiding its occupation of that land
Últimas Notícias

In São Paulo, Israel promotes tourism in Palestine while hiding its occupation of that land

Paradise beaches, pilgrimages to holy sites, modern and cosmopolitan cities: these are some of the attractions offered by the Israeli Ministry of...

  • 22/04/2024
  • 12:36:18
  • Geral
Evangelical leaders praise Lula
Últimas Notícias

Evangelical leaders praise Lula"s statement and say there is no contradiction in being a believer and criticizing Israel

President's Lula statement that caused a diplomatic crisis with Israel was praised by evangelical leaders heard by Brasil de Fato.

  • 23/02/2024
  • 17:51:48
  • Geral
How do monsters live? A panorama of the far right

How do monsters live? A panorama of the far right

When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections, a kind of collective relief took not only Brazil, but also Latin...

Mercosur and EU: understand why the agreement wasn
Mercosur and EU

Mercosur and EU: understand why the agreement wasn

At the end of 2023, the Mercosur and European Union agreement, which had been discussed for over twenty years, stopped again. The Brazilian...

  • 16/01/2024
  • 10:20:22
  • Geral
Ratinho Junior e Ademar Traiano inauguram contorno de Francisco Beltrão
Política Paraná

Ratinho Junior e Ademar Traiano inauguram contorno de Francisco Beltrão

No dia 15 de agosto será inaugurado o novo contorno de Francisco Beltrão, uma obra de cinco quilômetros e que afastará o...

Adversários de Ulisses Maia querem tirar dele capital político
Política Paraná

Adversários de Ulisses Maia querem tirar dele capital político

Com a proximidade do fim do mandato do prefeito da terceira maior cidade do Paraná, Maringá, com 409.657 habitantes, os políticos interessados na

PSD de Paranaguá está inflacionado de candidatos
Política Paraná

PSD de Paranaguá está inflacionado de candidatos

A 13ª maior cidade do Paraná, com uma população de 145.

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